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Showing posts from December, 2017

Just Doing A Little 'Elfing' With Chalk Couture

I think i just made up a word 'Elfing'.  Well, it works for me!  LOL Here is a picture of what I have been up to.  Hopefully the recipients are not looking at this. So what do you think?  I used two transfers 'Be You' and 'feathers'  and here is my next project: One more of this one and then.......... Ta Da! I must do some cookie baking. Merry Christmas everybody! God Bless! Eazy Peazy Mac & Cheezy

Last Christmas Card For The Year?

Phew, the last Christmas card for the year!  Considering that I started in July, you would think I would have had them done long ago.....Oh well, Ta Da.......!! I did copy this idea from Pam of Pam's Paper & Ink.  Thank you Pam.  Now I must get busy and address and mail. Merry Christmas everybody and God Bless!

Chalk Couture Winterwoodland Scene + Nativity Transfers

Have I told you how much I love Chalk Couture?!!  Love, love, love.  A combination of transfers - Winterwoodland Scene and Nativity.  Here is a picture of my latest creation: I love it!  It turned out so I said in the video it's like all the animal are saying (as they are looking up)  What's up?  What is going on?!!  So Fun to do!! Take a few minutes and watch my video.... only 2 1/2 minutes.  :-)  So fun, so easy!  This will be up in my family room for the Christmas season!  Stay tuned for what will be up after Christmas. Eazy Peazy Mac & Cheezy! Check out my website at: or click on the button on the right.  :-)