What a fun a cute project to make for Halloween!
So cute right?! This went pretty fast & I do have a couple of tips for you. These are for layering. Sometimes when layering chalk paste on top of a layer of paste can pull some of the paste off with the transfer. Here are a couple of tips to prevent that:
1. Fuzz, fuzz, fuzz. That is taking the sticky side of your transfer and stick it on your clothing or towel several times. This just takes some of the stickiness off of your transfers (the fibers from your clothing or towel help to do this and it washes off with water when you clean your transfer).
2. Wax I use Minwax natural. Just lightly dab a thin layer of wax on the area you are layering (I use an old t-shirt to apply this). You don't want to rub real hard. You will find that your transfer will peel off very easily after that.
3. Put the transfer on with a light touch and only around the area you are chalking. Leave a little bit heavier coating, but still lightly scrape off the excess.
And my video:
The Paste colors I used: White, Purple (Grape Soda) & Orange (I didn't have orange so I mixed my red and a few yellows)
The transfers I used: 31 October & Halloween Fun
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